Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Your stomach is not a waste basket!

So this is the grocery shopping list the Nutritionist gave me... my problem... I only like the highlighted foods :-/ As you can see, I prefer my meat and potatoes over anything else. I need to eat lots of fruits and veggies, but get tired of eating the same things again and again.

FRUITS                              VEGETABLES             CANNED/DRIED           FROZEN
Apples                                  Artichokes                    apples                              broccoli
Bananas                                Asparagus                     cherries                            carrots
Blueberries                           Avocados                     cranberries                       cauliflower
Grapes                                  Bean Sprouts                pineapple                          Chinese vegetables
Grapefruit                             Bell Peppers                 lite fruit cocktail              corn
Kiwi                                      Broccoli                       peaches                            mixed vegetables
Lemons                                 Brussel Sprouts            pears
Lime                                      Cabbage                      pumpkin
Mangos                                  Carrots
Melons                                   Cauliflower
Nectarines                              Celery                      CANNED VEGETABLES        BEANS
Oranges                                  Corn                         asparagus                                    black eyed peas
Papayas                                  Cucumbers                beets                                           chick peas
Peaches                                   Garlic                       carrots                                         green beans
Pears                                      Green Onions            corn                                            kidney beans
Plums                                    Lettuce                       green beans                                 northern beans
Strawberries                          Mushrooms               peas                                             pinto beans
Watermelon                           Onions                       potatoes
                                               Parsley                      tomatoes
                                               Snow Peas
                                              Sweet Potato

BEEF                         CHICKEN/TURKEY        PORK                   MISC PROTEIN
ground chuck              breast                               boneless chops        luncheon meats
lean burger                 leg                                     lean ham                  eggs
roast                            thigh                                                                 nuts/seeds
sirloin                         turkey bacon
steaks                          turkey sausage
loin roast                    whole chicken
ribs                             wings
roast                            ground turkey

SEAFOOD      CHEESE         DAIRY                     BREAD/STARCH       MISC
catfish               blue                 butter spread            brown rice                    olive oil
crabmeat           feta                  cottage cheese         high fiber cereal
salmon              goat                cream cheese            whole grain bread
sardines            sliced              non fat milk              whole grain pasta
shrimp              sticks               sour cream               tortillas
scallops                                    yogurt

1 comment:

  1. I know it sounds silly, but maybe try the cookbook Deceptively Delicious? The fruits and veggies you may not like, sometimes you can add them in here and there and get the benefits from them without having to eat them plain and not enjoying them. My old boss back in PA was like that. Constantly told to eat more fruits and veggies for his high cholesterol and hated salad, hated veggies, it sucked because we could never get him to eat right. LOL
