Sunday, July 21, 2013

You have to start somewhere...

Often I find myself saying "I'll start tomorrow, or I'll start on Monday" when it comes to embarking on the path of a healthier lifestyle. I've decided I have to start somewhere, and that somewhere is here. In this blog, where people can read about my accomplishments and failures so that I can be held accountable. Now I know I sound like 'one of those people' who is always talking about getting fit but never really tries. But believe me, I am the latter. I do try. I just believe I can try harder. And I will. Not only do I feel like a slacker for putting off what I should be jumping into head first, but I feel like a slacker because I have a degree and a national certification in personal training! I should be more motivated. Becoming a personal trainer was something I decided to do while I awaited clinical for my major: Radiology. The classes to become a personal trainer, were nothing short of exhausting. Not only physically, but mentally as well. There is just so much to learn about the human body. I love it! I was in the best shape of my life in those two years it took me to become an accredited personal trainer. I miss those days, and not just because I've gained some weight since then, but because I miss the feeling of being able to buy those smaller jeans, and I miss the amounts of energy I had. But enough about that, let's focus on the here and now. My goal is to lose 30 pounds before Christmas of this year. Typically, I'm skeptical of telling people my weight, but I feel in order to be held accountable, I should put it out there. Currently, today, July 21st 2013, I weight 167 pounds. The most I have ever weighed in my life. My goal is to be in the 130-140 range. I feel that would be much healthier for me. Now some people may disagree with that. Heck, my doctor disagrees with me. He tells me I'm perfectly healthy because I don't smoke, rarely drink, don't drink a lot of caffeine, and I take my vitamins. However, on a more in-depth observation with a Nutritionist, I am over weight. I am not healthy by physical fitness standards. That is what I plan to change. Tomorrow, I start a 12 week fitness program and a nutritional program from the Nutritionist I have seen. I will take my measurements and write them down. I'm not sure if I will post them just yet. But as soon as I find the courage to post a 'before' photo, I will post my measurements. Before I sign off for the day, I'll share with you some of the reasons I want to be fit again.

1. To be healthier.
2. To be able to fit into my 'skinny clothes.'
3. To wake up each morning with confidence.
4. To wake up each morning and feel fierce.
5. To be happy with what I see in the mirror.
6. To become a role model and motivator for others.
7. Because exercise is the best stress reliever.
8. To become stronger.
9. Because I owe it to myself.
10. To see changes in my body.


  1. A blog is a great way to hold yourself accountable. I know when I kept mine up was when I was at my best and healthiest in years. After having Dylan, I kind of let myself go, and I know I have to get there again. I look forward to reading about your progress!!

    One of the best feelings is knowing the people that you may or may not know you inspire through your writings. Best of luck!!

  2. Thank you!! I'm hoping it helps! :)
